Problem je sa nedostatkom saosećanja, ili svesti. U prevodu potrebno je da ostavimo makar malo mesta za život onima pored nas. Posebno onima koji su bezglasni, koji ne mogu da uzvrate ili da pobegnu kada su zlostavljani.
The problem is one of lack of compassion, or consciousness. In translation we should leave a little bit of space for those around us to live also. Especially to those who are silent, cant strike back or run away when mistreated.
Tako isto ako stablo jednog drveta zalijete betonom. ili okružite zgradom, to je isto kao da ste ga ubili. U stvari malo je gore, jer je onda osuđeno na sporo umiranje od žeđi. Rezultat je ovo
Thus it is same when tree is locked in concrete, or surrounded by building, it is same as dead. In fact it is worse as it is then sentenced to slow death of thirst. The result is this
Stvari su jednostavne. Dajte prostora drugima i odjednom će se prostor otvoriti za vas.
Things are actually simple. Give space to other and suddenly space will open for you.
The problem is one of lack of compassion, or consciousness. In translation we should leave a little bit of space for those around us to live also. Especially to those who are silent, cant strike back or run away when mistreated.
Tako isto ako stablo jednog drveta zalijete betonom. ili okružite zgradom, to je isto kao da ste ga ubili. U stvari malo je gore, jer je onda osuđeno na sporo umiranje od žeđi. Rezultat je ovo
Thus it is same when tree is locked in concrete, or surrounded by building, it is same as dead. In fact it is worse as it is then sentenced to slow death of thirst. The result is this
Stvari su jednostavne. Dajte prostora drugima i odjednom će se prostor otvoriti za vas.
Things are actually simple. Give space to other and suddenly space will open for you.