Solution for the Kosovo/Balkan tragedy, as often in complicated and long lasting (historic) conflicts, is simple and in plane sight, but takes moral courage, instead of moral panic, equanimity in action - to be resolved.
Kosovo should, and could not be sustainable as another Albanian national state, and it is obvious it could not be dominated by Serbia, or be EU protectorate indefinitely. It should, and must be some kind of supported state, for both Kosovo Albanians, and Kosovo Serbs, and all other that live on this blood soaked land.
And as such it should be recognized by all. Serbia included. Serbia should more over find the political key to do what it can to help whole Kosovo and all Kosovars, with chances for jobs, education and human perspective and culture progress. To help life to grow and develop. Serbia should stop investing in death, and start helping life, thus helping its own people there, which today live their life’s between the rock and a hard place.
Solution for Kosovo is federation state of two constitutional nations, Serbian and Albanian, with two house parliament, and with Serbia and Albania as its non biased non partisan helpers. Demilitarized, decentralized, prosperous and with chances for all the people.
Three keys
First key is cultural progress and reciprocity in language, Albanian and Serbian (Serbo/Croat /Yugoslav language) should be equal and studied through the whole educational system as necessary. This would help Serbs to feel more at home and overcome the fear that they will be overrun by Albanian majority. To Albanians it would open many chances for education, work, and social progress towards EU through the ex YU sphere, not just Serbia and Belgrade
Second key is political: Reciprocity in political institutions. Prime minister Albanian, president Serbian. Cabinets mixed. Necessary precondition is to Kosovo Serbs feel Kosovo as their home without loosing their pride of being Serbians in the same time, and to act in the interest of their country.
Economy is the third and most important key. With this two first key the conditions are met for economy to come to life, for Kosovo to start producing something, and create opportunity for its citizens, by opening itself towards Ex YU sphere.