понедељак, 30. децембар 2013.

Malo je blam - Little bit embarrassing

Ono što se na srećnijim mestima na Planeti naziva Urbano planiranje, ovde na Balkanu se, možda zbog greške u prevodu ili karakteru, najčešće čita kao Poluplanirano Ruiniranje. Vreme je da se suočimo sa tim, ne snalazimo se najbolje u gradovima, a ni sa planiranjem. Nešto bolje nam ide sa rušenjem.

The topic which is in the more fortunate places on Planet called Urban Planning, here in Balkans, maybe for the mistake in translation, or in character, is understood as Semi-planed Devastation. It is time to face up with the fact, that we do not seem to get by best, in the urban situations, or for that matter any kind of planning. We do a little bit better with demolition.

Možda uopše nije bio potreban uvod da se kaže da skoro ni u jednom glavnom gradu u Evropi, (sa par izuzetaka u bližem susedstvu) zabranjeno je kačiti kućne split-sisteme po fasadama ulica u centralnoj gradskoj zoni. Jednostavno: To je jako ružno i to se ne radi, tačka. Dakle, ne može, jer se na to gleda kao na običan vandalizam.
Kada je reč o spomenicima kulture, poput zgrade Predsedništva - odnosno Novog Dvora, verujem da to nikome do sada ne bi palo na pamet ma o kakvoj balkanskoj vukojebini da se radi.

Maybe it was not needed to give this introduction in order to say that in almost any of capital cities in Europe it is unimaginable to get a permit to put up the home split system on facade of the central urban zone. Simply: It is not done, full stop. Not allowed as it is considered to be vandalism.
However, when historical monuments are involved, such as building of Presidents office - former New Royal Palace, I believe no one so far did not came up with such brilliant idea no mater in what kind of Balkan remote spot.

Malo je blam, zar ne? Ipak treba reći da ova moda nije došla sa poslednjim izborima. Jer kako inače objasniti ovo:

It is a little bit embarrassing isnt it? However it should be said that this fashion did not came about after last elections. Othervize, how this (picture above) could be possible,

Ili činjenica da se fasada palate Albanija bukvalno raspada jer su mermerne ploče uništene od strane pregalaca sa bušilicama.

Or the fact that marble facade of Palace Albania (above) is literally falling apart due to the entrepreneurs with drillers.

Malo je blam...

Just little bit embarrassing...